This is how I responded after reading Luke 15 and the parable of the lost sheep... I know it's a familiar bit of scripture and I even learned a song about it when I was really young, but the more I read Jesus' teachings in parables, the more I find I can apply them to my life... it's not the best writing, but it just came out.
As my young and inexperienced lags lead me away from the pack, away from the beaten road easy on my tender feet, open and safe; as my own judgement, my own decision leads me away, down a path which at one point, seemed the better way, seemed attractive, but as the thorns tear at my pink skin, as the land becomes rocky, jagged and steep, as I slip on the rocks in the dark, I am having second and third thoughts about this.
Right as i am at the steepest place, where I cannot find my footing, as my week legs can not bear to hold my weight, I cry out.
The paint of the rocks and thorns, the fear of what I cannot see, my self pity and embarrassment, and my need for safety, well up in my throat and I let out a cry so pitiful that even the hardest of hearts would turn soft. As I begin to wonder if my cries were in vain, I feel a strong yet oh so gentle grip lift me off my frail wobbly legs. I feel secure as I am lifted on His back; too high for the thorns and rocks, gently and carefuly I am carried back to safety, back to the right path.
As we near, I hear a voice so filled with love and rejocing say "you were lost, but now you are found," and I am home, I am safe. For all the while that I was on the wrong path, He was still loving me and rejoiced when I cried out to Him.
So cry out to Him.
If you can feel the thorns,
cry out because He is there,
waiting to lift you onto His back.
He rejoices when you do because He is your father.