Thursday, July 3, 2008


This has been the summer of conquering fears and new experiences:
1. I conquered my fear of falling off of tall things by going on very tall roller-coasters (Millennium Force anyone?).
2. I conquered my fear of bathroom sinks (well, more like my detesting of them) by getting a cleaning job at a resort cleaning.... (drum roll)........ bathrooms!!
3. I have never really had multiple jobs, and I just got back from my first day of my third job at a coffee place called Brew Moon, and all three are going well!

Come visit!


God has been doing some crazy awesome things here this summer, in my life. It has been such an eye-opening summer these few weeks I've been up here, and I can't wait to see what else God has in store for my time spent up here.

To start-off, I was kind of in the end of the year, burnt-out lull that usually comes at the end of a school year; I was basically ready to be done with it all and come up north. At the beginning of the quarter, things were going really well spiritually, but I remember telling my discipler that I was comfortable in my box and wasn't ready for something to shake it up, but that I knew that that isn't the way to go about my spirituality. Jesus wasn't a settler, he didn't stay content in a box, so neither should I.

So, in the midst of this lull, I got a nudge. The theme of 'today' and capturing the moment to use for Him started running through my thoughts and appearing in lessons, and I basically pushed it to the back of my mind thinking that I will pay attention to it during the summer (which is a bad attitude). So finals week comes, and God was more then nudging me, he was basically saying in His own way, "Makella, there is going to be something radical or crazy that you're going to need to be spiritually prepared for, so get ready and get excited..." so, I did get excited, I am excited... and I can see it happening already.

I have been praying and speaking with people about how there is not much of a spiritual influence here in Eagle River, there are a few Christians who I have fellowship with, but for the most part, life for the inhabitants is a bit lacking... My friend and I were talking about how something needs to happen, and that especially our one friend, whom we love very very much, hears something about The Good Life. A few days ago after praying over this, pretty much the exact conversation I had been praying for happened with the person we were hoping it would happen with. I could feel the air in the room change and I was literally shaking, nervous that I might not say the right things, but trusting that God will provide me with the words to say. With tears in both our eyes at one point, we talked and asked questions and it was... awesome. God provides a way, He provides the words, He provides it all, all the good. Now, I'm not sharing this to sound 'mightier-then-thou' I just want to share a story of how good He is.

I praise Him, for He is my provider.


TyKomjati said...

God is so good, isn't he? glad to hear that you are making yourself available to His nudges. :-)

no simple highway said...

girl. i'm so excited for you and what God is up to.

I read this pretty sweet book - well part of it anyhow but this guy named Watchman Nee - I think. If you have a chance I highly recommend it - well the part that I read anyhow - it's called 'The Normal Christian Life' - and read the part called 'Knowing.'

love love,