Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Long Time: No Post

I am so sorry about the lack of words coming from here. It won't happen again soon, especially since classes will be slow the first week so I will have time to write.

So to catch up real quick, I am back at home after a little over two months, had a nice pit-stop in Chicago to visit some friends, and now I am back home watching youtube and eating chocolate chips.

The tally for the day:
Cavities (according to the dentist today): 0
Ailments (according to my body): Allergies
Stories: Numerous. One new one involving an almost-nose-piercing that did not get finished this weekend. I am going back tomorrow to have the other side done.

I learned a few things on the ride back from WI:
1. When people buy crocs, they go all out. I was at a rest-stop and the person next to me had bright orange ones.
2. I felt like a real traveler when I was sitting in McDonalds and I was eating by myself.
3. Driving in cities is kind of frightening, but thank goodness for google maps, cell phones, patient parents, and friends.
4. My voice gets a little raspy after singing for six hours straight, two days in a row.
5. I am going to miss the amazingly fresh smell of pine that resonates in the air up in WI.
6. I am really going to miss all the amazing people, and the amazing conversations.
7. I am going to miss the sunsets.
8. Organic jelly beans are really good.

Side Note #1: I saw a Meat Loaf bumper sticker on the way.

Side Note #2: I got a new BIble today and I like it. I really don't know if I should transfer all my notes, or just start over and re-do all of it.

I feel as though I have undergone a revival including a new boldness of sorts when it comes to sharing my faith.
I pray that these words are not just words, but that it becomes real.
I pray that I can enter into fall quarter and last through the whole quarter with this because it is so good.
The Lord is so good for first preparing me, and then answering prayers.
It is so wonderful to feel a new boldness and I am so excited to see what He is going to do with this.
New beginnings.
New people.
New conversations with new words.


sam said...

An 'almost-nose-piercing,' eh? You still have time to turn back!! :)

Makella said...

too late!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Crocs. Sorry, I still dislike them!

On another note- it's good to hear you're doing well :) I'm sure school will be fun and of course God's going to show you some amaaazing things!! Keep me updated lady <3