Sunday, September 14, 2008

School Has Sprung

So God is Good. If you all didn't know that, I'm telling you that right now.

This week has honestly been like nails on a chalkboard for me. For some reason, my everyday 'stuff' has been doing nothing but aggravating me, and little, minute things have been putting me on the verge of tears, and to top it off, classes are like a black cloud looming over my head...
Wow, do I sound dismal.

There are a few factors that have influenced my mood this week; the combination of my health being a little off, and that other people's opinions have affected my view of how my classes are going to be, so I've been expecting nothing but the worse.
I'm saying all this because throughout this week, there have been so many shining moments of God revealing himself to me through the patience of others, through my devotionals every night, through the beauty of Athens, and through Him constantly revealing the blessing in my life.

I came into this quarter after an amazing summer of growing in the boldness that God blessed me with; I was on such a high, excited to see what conversations he was going to bless me with, and I still am. I am still so excited and I pray for everyone's forgiveness for my outlook on things recently... I feel like all these little things that have been bothering me so easily have been used as a huge distraction to prevent me from spreading His love, and I hate to say that it worked this week.
But the good news is that I am aware of it now.
I can see what the bad-guy's plan is and I can foil it.
Please pray that I can withstand all the crap (for lack of a better word) that has been thrown at me so that I can complete the purpose that I was made for.

Lord, please help me to remember that my life is not my own, that your plan cannot be ruined by stupid little distractions, and that you are stronger then a stuffy nose and accounting homework.
Lord, please please keep me focused.
Please keep me content.
Please keep my eyes focused on your Love and your words.
Thank you that your Love is worth all this.
Thank you that your patience and mercy is beyond my comprehension and that you help to bear the burdens of us all living in this temporary place. Thank you that you are eternal and that this worry was not meant to happen.

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