Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Ahh the beauty that is Procrastination... I have two midterms tomorrow and really should by studying..... oh well.

At this moment, I feel as though I am an old blanket that has been torn, put through the wash cycle, patched up, and threadbare. This week, it is as though a force (known as 'midterms' and 'not much sleep') has a hold on one of my threds and is laughing as I trudge through, all the while unraveling... untill there is nothing left but a few scraps, a few small bits that can have no other use but one thing... to be sewn back together by the Great Sewer. I know that when this is all done, He will take what is left of my tattered self and put me back together, steadily and powerfully. He will put the stitches in by hand, each one with love, and each one perfect and beautiful and strong, each one serving a purpose that is great. I may not see them now, but when the haze has cleared from my head and when my concerns are nothing but bits of memories, He will have started His work, and I will be better than new. It is going to be wonderful.

Lord, please help me to be patient through these hazy times, please help me to keep my eyes and ears on you, and please Lord, help me to stay encouraged that your careful hand is working. Please help me to have faith that I will be better than new when this is all over. Thank you for putting me back together.

1 comment:

sam said...

You really are a great writer Makella. I'm glad you have this blog, because you need to get your words out there...