Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another Current:

So right now, I am sitting at my desk after a night of bible study with some amazing women of God. I am so blessed to have them in my life.

After bible study, my friend, who I haven't really hung out with in quite a while due to the busy-ness of both of our winter quarters, drove me back to my dorm. On the way back, as a side note, I asked her about her dating situation and asked her to pray about mine. It turned into her turning around to her apartment to get me this book that helped her with giving her love-life up to God, which is one of my biggest struggles, even though it's a really important and fulfilling step to take. We prayed together about it and I'm excited to experience that step.

Alright, back to the task at hand.

The classes I am taking this quarter are as follows:
-Statistics (I added a business minor so that it the one and only reason I am taking this class...)
-History of Folk Music (You know you're in for a ride when the professor starts the first class of the quarter with delving into the meaning of life, it's supposed to be history of folk music right, did I miss something??)
-Management (Once again, business minor)
-Industry Recording Survey (looking at the history of recorded music and reading music blogs is pretty sweet for a class, plus I love being in class with audio people, they're a fun breed)
-Independent Study (Recording Campus Crusade for Christ's weekly meetings is a pretty sweet way to ear some credit hours, I would be doing it if I wasn't because I love it)
Total Hours:18!!!!! (YES, Im so happy it's not 20)!!

So it's pretty sweet that my hardest class is statistics; it's going to be a good quarter, I can feel it in my bones.

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