Thursday, April 2, 2009

It Needs To Be Said

God is so good.

I wish that I could just run around outside yelling it because my heart is bursting, breaking at the seams. I have this visual in my head of this fabric heart with the seams pushed to their limits and slowly little beams of light break through the tiny holes around them, and them more and more seams break as the light becomes more powerful.

Warmth and joy are here.

His grace is completely mesmerizing me as I think about the brokenness, and the pain, and how all of that is healed and forgiven, and there is freedom for us to be complete in how we were created to be. My heart is broken for those who do not see it, who have not heard of this amazing Love, who have not heard that their heart can be engulfed by this Peace, who let their past or what they have done hinder them from experiencing true Life forever.

Not just some distant thing to toil for, but now, today, here. It's a letting go, it's a step off the dock, it's an admittance, then an embrace.

Don't mean to preach. &hearts

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