Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Friends and Old Friends.

There is a grad. student from Germany who lives in the apartment above mine, and his friend from home is visiting this week. They came over and we watched a german horror movie last night, and tonight, I heard voices outside my apartment and I opened the door, and they were out there. I look down and they had baked me a cake with strawberries on it and a not that says "For Makella from your neighbors." How nice is that?

I was just at a party celebrating the end of ACRN week (the campus radio station), and it was good to see people that I didnt have much time to see last quarter. It's getting nicer out, and the sun it definitely perking up everyone's leaves.

Today was my first semi-stressful day of the quarter, and I was in a bit of pain from walking around with a heavy backpack on my still-aching back. I come home and my friend who is helping me lead worship for sunday came over, and we went on the porch in the setting sun to sing. It was as though the world, my day, balanced out again. My head was not in a tizzy anymore, and I felt at home and at peace.
It's amazing how when we are getting back to the basics of what we were created to do, which is praise His name, celebrate the gift that He gave to us of freedom, that is when everything is balanced. I feel right when I do, and that there is a Love worth this praise, that this freedom is so amazing that I want to, makes it all the more an easy fit.

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