Monday, December 24, 2007


So, I hate to admit it, but I've been a grouch the last few days. Downright unpleasant. I stayed up much later then usual and it threw me off and my immediate family could all be sharing the same cold and the weather and all those other excuses piled up and I've been a scrooge. So I had to work late, so what? So I'm 'alone' for the holidays, that is the dumbest reason to be down. So there's a million other reasons for me to feel bad about myself. I had completely forgotten what I am supposed to be focus on and praising God with all my might for.

Everyone has their own ideas about 'the real reason for Christmas.' Oh my gosh. That phrase should be copyrighted because it is uttered around every corner and in every family movie.
There is a reason why people decorate trees, buy presents, sing carols, celebrate in general. While, yes, it is great that people can have a good time being with family, but that's not the reason. Yes, it is wonderful that people feel more generous this time of year. Yes, being a friend, being cheerful, being charitable, ect... are all important aspects of 'the holidays' but they can't take the place of the real truth behind all the splendor.

There is a reason, and it is something that people (including me, see first paragraph) so often forget even though it is the most important event in human history.

These last few weeks leading up to Christmas are, as cliche as it sounds, supposed to be a time of hope. There were prophecies that a child would be born out of Israel (Numbers 24;17). There were rumors of a coming messiah, someone who would save all who believed in him, and it was happening soon. I couldn't imagine how exciting that would have been for the people of that time. I should have been anticipating and hoping and I forgot.

Everyone knows that story of Christ's birth, but to awe inspiring thing for me is that that little baby, who was born in an animal barn (if you have never been in an animal stall before, it is not a suitable, or comfortable, or a sanitary place to have a baby) is the King of all. This little infant child is God in human form. He wasn't cast down on a bolt of lighting glowing and floating around. He didn't grow out of the ground in a rumble of thunder. He didn't fly from heaven on the back of a flaming eagle. God was born in a smelly animal barn. Amazing.

With the birth of this baby came (comes) the promise that we can have eternal life. He is going to spend His life teaching humanity the best way to live. He is going to continue to be the king of all, but he becomes a humble king. Just as He was born in a barn, He continues His life in that manner, hanging out with fishermen, liars, tax collectors, prostitutes, murderers...

I forgot that.

Tonight at the midnight service, the pastor said that "in spite of their sheep, the shepherds went seeking." These last few days, I have been living the opposite. Because of my sheep, I have not been seeking. Because of that which hinders me, I stay where I am. I forget about the hope that can keep me moving, keep me going.

"Because here is where you're finding me, in the exact same place as New Year's eve
And from the lack of my persistency
We're less than half as close as I want to be

And the first time that you opened your eyes
Did you realize that you would be my savior?
And the first breath that left your lips
Did you know that it would change this world forever?

To look back and think that this baby would one day save me...
That you were born so I might live.

And I, I celebrate the day
That you were born to die
So I could one day pray for you to save my life."

Relient K, "I Celebrate The Day"

Don't get me wrong, of course all those things I mentioned are important, but for me, the only reason why the world should be celebrating Christmas is because the One who rules everything was born, and He saved our lives. He saved mine and I should be eternally praising Him for that.

Have a good Christmas everyone.
Love, with holly and hope,

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