Sunday, May 3, 2009


I am just going to ramble here....

I find myself out of apathy; being down and out, being low and forgetting, He sends something, people, a message.... that Hope. It comes and it frees me and I am made whole again, or reminded that I am whole in Him. I can breathe again, I can see again, I am free to Love people for who they are because what they do does not define them. God's love is worth screaming from the mountaintops. I don't want to be a salesman; like they said at 707 tonight, Jesus is not a product. He is life, He gives life, He takes away that death that we are supposed to go through so that we can fully live that life He is intending for us, which consist of true Love. A Love as He Loves, which is pure, without motive, without the bait n' switch, without looking at others faults... Love. I want so badly to love others like that, I want so badly for everyone who is important to me to feel this Hope, and this Peace that I cannot describe no matter how hard I try. It is so good. 'Good' doesn't even come close.

I find myself out of breath; excited that Jesus came and left us with this message to tell people, that it is worth telling people; excited that I get to experience this world with His light shining in it and that all the beauty He has for us here, all the Joy that can come on this earth from Him is only a minute little sliver of the fullness of that which can come when I finally let go of these needs, these dependancies on others, these insecurities, this pride, this wanting to figure life out myself first... when I give into my thirst for eternity, that is so quenched by his cool and embracing hold on my heart.

I am sitting here and I find myself out of words that are able to describe the state of my soaring heart at this moment.

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