Friday, May 23, 2008


I just read these words from someone whom I consider to be quite wise...

"When it rains it pours, but after it pours it stops."
-Matthew Thiessen

It's so simple... and yet, I keep forgetting that.

I'm going to be quite open here in this entry because I've felt a little restless recently; a need to get things out there, make some words and see where they take me; maybe try to sort out random bits of thoughts that keep popping in a out too quickly for me to really get a grasp on what they actually mean, or how I should actually feel about them.
First off, the apologies:
I am sorry for being apathetic about things: life, God, spreading His love, school, family, learning, asking, laughing.
I'm sorry to the people that I met tonight, and the people who I rode home with in the car because I failed to show His love to them. I pray for all of you, please forgive me.
I'm sorry that I have been lacking faith in a lot of different areas; faith that God is taking care of everything, faith in myself.
I'm sorry for not seing the beauty God sees in you, all of you, everyday.
I'm sorry for not crediting the One who made this amazing earth, for the beauty that I see around every single day. I'm sorry for not crediting Him for the amazing life that I have, because it is amazing.
Most importantly of all, I am so sorry that I have not been remembering the amazing gift that Jesus gave me by dying for me. There is no reason for me cease to praise Him ever. He has saved me (all of us) from being cast into the lake of fire (check out revelation).
He has saved me from being a slave.
From being in bondage.
From being completely separate from all things Good and Right and Beautiful and Lovely and Pure and True.
He has made it possible for me to be with the One who created me, and all things beautiful.
He has made it possible for me to be without need.
He has made is possible for me to be completely forgiven.
He has made it possible for me to breathe.
To love.
To live.
To hope.
To heal.
To be free.

There is no reason why I should not be on my knees praising Him for that every chance that I get.

I am sorry that I forget.

Beth Moore says this

"God is telling us, 'If you only understood what grace means and what you have received by way of it, you would never cease to rejoice!' Whether we ever have one external thing over which to rejoice, it is enough that we are born again!"

Thank you eternally Lord. Please keep me from being apathetic, please keep the fire burning and thank you for your amazing grace.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

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