Friday, October 10, 2008

I go to school here.

This is Athens.
(Cliche pictures, I know, I'm sorry)

Every day walking to class, there is so much beauty to see here. It kills me how when people think of Ohio University, the only words that come to mind are 'party-school,' 'halloween,' 'illegal music downloading,' etc.

When I look eventually back on my time here in Athens, I guarantee you, the warmth and the spirit of this place will come rushing back, and the hard times that happened will only help with those feelings because there is healing and realness in Athens too.

I was ready to throw in the towel a few weeks ago.
I was ready to be done with it here.
But God completely blessed me with Athens, and I could not see myself anywhere else for my education.

1 comment:

TyKomjati said...

amen. God is TOTALLY in Athens. and the rest of the world, but I'm just sayin...