Thursday, October 23, 2008


Just finished my accounting exam.
I really can't say how it went, but I think all will be well.

For those of you who don't know, I have test-anxiety... basically, I get extremely nervous before a test; hand shaking, nauseous nervous... and sometimes I can't help but think about how I got like this... I really don't know... maybe it's because I spent growing up in Montessori schools and tests were not really a part of the curriculum, and I kind of got slapped in the face with them when I transferred to high school.

Well, Im sitting here at the coffee shop listening to an old friend play some awesome music; Im going home tomorrow. Home is always a good place to re-fuel and get straight again. Good food, good family.

I hope everyone out there who reads this remembers that there is more to life then school, then 'drama,' then scheduling, then time management, then all of that fluff that magically becomes important when we get a little older. It's not worth getting shaky hands over.

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