I know that I am, but I guess the words coming out of my mouth and the thoughts coming out of my brian haven't been doing too much to disprove that lately. I guess I have let my schedule/selfishness get in the way. If Matt Thessien is right when he says that my heart is all I get to bring, so I should go ahead and make it worth something, then why do I focus so much time on things that are 1) not going to help my heart become what I want to bring with me, and 2) things that are really nothing in the 'grand-scheme-of-things?' Someone please tell me why and how I can fix it, please.
I'm not giving up though. I have know the warmth of giving up more then just a few hours to Him. I have know what it is like to be more then apathetic, and what it feels like to taste the beauty of what He has in store. I know it's there, and please dear readers, be my witnesses to this propsed difference in my attitude.
Im going to let you in on a secret:
I am a lot of talk.
And for lack of a more original phrase, I need to start 'walking the walk' in the way of living with this passion that I can easily proclaim with my lips but hesitate when my hands get involved.
I'm excited.
I want to be the ammunition.
I want to be the free-spirit.
I want to be the salt.
Lord, please guide me in this.
I found this C.S. Lewis quote:
"You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body."
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