Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Humble Pie

List of embarrassing things I have done in the last two weeks (that I am aware of):

1. Got locked out of my apartment.
2. Said the wrong information during a presentation in front of my media class and the professor called me out (along with the rest of my group).
3. Tripped over a cord in my favorite coffee shop and everyone stopped talking to look at me.
4. Tried to get on the bus at the wrong time and the bud driver said I had to wait to let all the other people off.
5. Dropped my sunglasses in the toilet in the music building.
6. Spilled my chips and a bit of ice tea at the same coffee shop all over the floor.
7. Got locked out of my apartment again.
8. As I was waiting for the bus, my planner and all my accounting papers opened from the wind, as well as my music book and all the returned homework's, and proceeded to blow across the street and sidewalk at a pretty busy intersection. It took about five random passer-bys to help me clean it up. Mind you this is a stack of papers about an inch thick.... blowing around.
That last one just happened a half hour ago.

I like when stuff like that happens though, reminds me that I am human.

It's beautiful outside, hope everyone is enjoying the weather.

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