Thursday, March 5, 2009


There are people in my life who have gone out of their way to help me see Truth in all of this. Those people mean a lot to me, and will continue to assist me with my walk. I know that the patience and love they have for me are completely given to them from God, and I consider myself blessed to have them in my life as friends. It's God who's given them this gift to give me and I am eternally thankful for those who make time, and care. I hope that you all know who you are, and if I haven't thanked you to your face, I will say it now and a hundred times to come... Thank you.

Thank you Lord for setting these people a-flame for you and for those who have been a shoulder on which to lean (and cry) these last few weeks. Thank you, Lord, for helping bear burdens and for bringing people into this world to help with that as well.

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