Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Trends Good and Better

American Apparel


Some things that I noticed about the scene a while ago, but are kind of taking over the world... figuratively anyways.

1. Synth/Electronica-core. Genghis Tron did it for a while, but a bunch of these new bands are picking it up... TDWP, Attack! Attack!, Sky Eats Airplane, to name a very very small percentage. And needless to say, even though I shouldn't like it because it's all popular and according to some un-written hipster-handbook I am not supposed to like popular trends, I do. Synth is my weakness. For some reason, you put an electronic riff under a slick vocal line and it gets my heart all a-pounding. Add in a british accent and you've got yourself an album that will be heavily rotated on my itunes for a while (aka Enter Shikari). Who knows if they are just doing it becuase that's where music is going, and I know that alot of pop-punk stuff is bringing it in too, but Im all for it. MIDI here we come.

2. Neon. My friends, the 80's are back in full force. I can go on about women's fashion (leather pants, off-the-shoulder shirts, etc), but Im talking about neon. Neon pants, neon hoodies, the brighter the better, and I am also not ashamed to say that I love it. Red-denim has been big for a while most likely thanks to Haylee Williams, ha, but I think sceeny-boppers took it and ran with it, and I'm thrilled that they did. Im happy to go to shows and see people wearing more then just black. Sea-foam-green, salmon, yellow, every color, and even though I haven't worked up the courage to actually purchase something, Im pretty darn close.

3. High-tops. Once again with the 80's, hip-hop style this time. I think this trend is the result of the culmination of the meshing of the hipsters and hip-hop, it's difficult to tell them apart these days. This is a third trend that I am all too willing to follow because I think high-tops are trill. I actually tried on a pair yesterday, red and white. Along with this growing trend, I'm also a little nervous to actually go and purchase a pair.. but it's going to happen. Just you wait.

This post is full of stereotypes... I didn't mean for it to sound like that. Ha. I apologize.


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, if I could dress like MIA and get away with it, I'd pee kool-aid in my pants. What?

I started a new blog. Friend me :)


loves yous <333

Makella said...

Ha.... Pee kool-aid.. haha... I wish I could pull off her duds as well.