Sunday, August 12, 2007

Things Recently Learned

1. Wisconsin can get hot (see previous post).

2. People rarely answer phones.

3. People can ge angry when their food isn't timely.

4. People still tip well if their food isn't timely.

5. Stretch-marks are depressing.

6. Kids are getting married.

7. Cicadas in large numbers sound like radio static over the phone (according to my mom).

8. People change when significant others are involved for the worse and better.

9. People who should change usually dont.

10. The resort pool is empty on sunday.

11. Haircuts are much more significant happenings to the person recieving the haircut then to their friends.

12. Wild turkeys are funny.

13. C.S.Lewis is smart and still relevant. Everyone should read his entire collection.

14. Weddings are lovely.

15. Sunburn is usually fun while being acquired, but no fun to deal with later.

16. I am loved.

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